Generally the origins of a particular foaf-tale are lost in the mists of time. But I came across a subclass of foaf-tales the other day which must have originated in 1940, when Britain was collectively paranoid about the threat of a German invasion. Agatha Christie’s novel N or M?
“The conversation during the meal turned on the absorbing subject of spies. Well-known hoary chestnuts were retold. The nun with the muscular arm, the clergyman descending from his parachute and using unclergymanlike language as he landed with a bump, the Austrian cook who secreted a wireless in her bedroom chimney, and all the things that had happened or nearly happened to aunts and second cousins of those present.”
The last phrase “things that had happened or nearly happened to aunts and second cousins” clearly indicates a foaf-tale situation. It’s also interesting that the stories are described as “well-known hoary chestnuts” – an odd way of putting it, when you realise the stories would only have been a month or so old. But people must have been tired of hearing them!
Later in the novel, the subject is touched on again when a character says “There have been so may good stories going around about nuns paying their fares in buses with hairy muscular arms”. This is archetypal foaf-tale material – bizarre, horrifying and yet compellingly believable!
I’m a big fan of Agatha Christie, and I’m slowly working my way through all her books. N or M? has been on the shelf waiting to be read for some time – I was finally prompted to read it by a recent item on the Daily Telegraph website: MI5 fears and an Agatha Christie mystery over Enigma leak! One of the characters in the story, Deborah Beresford, is working at a secret location in “the coding department”, while another character is a retired army officer named Major Bletchley (the Telegraph’s assertion that the Bletchley character has “inside knowledge of the progress of the war” is a journalistic exaggeration – actually he’s a typical old duffer living in the past). At the time the novel was written, the role of Bletchley Park as the UK’s cryptographic centre was Top Secret, so it’s no wonder that Military Intelligence were worried by the appearance of the name in a book about wartime espionage. It was, of course, pure coincidence!
N or M? is a sequel to Agatha Christie’s second novel, The Secret Adversary
Bearing in mind that brand-new things are rare in folklore, the most probable hypothesis is that Christie had heard variations on these stories first during the Great War, or even during some of the smaller military upsets of her earlier life, such as the Boer War.
It would not surprise me to find that they are descended from tales told during the Napoleonic Wars, which in turn were descended from ones dating back to the 100 Years War, and so on back as far as human conflict goes.
That hadn't occurred to me, but now you say it I think you're probably right. (This gives me a feeling of deja vu, because I'm sure I've responded to one of your previous comments with much the same words!)
As you probably already know, the modern incarnation of nuns with muscular arms is an old woman waiting for you at a mall car park, see
Filip - Thanks very much for mentioning this and providing the link. It was in the back of my mind when I was writing the post, but I had various other things to do this morning and I didn't have time to look it up -- so thanks for doing it for me!
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